Why Choose Live-In Care?
With live-in care, older Australians can live safely and independently in their homes late into life. Live-in caregivers provide a secure and stable environment in the family home, which allows care recipients to maintain the comforts and daily routines they enjoy while receiving the support they require.
But live-in care is more than just a way to address care needs.
Older people who leverage in-home care services don’t have to uproot their lives to do so; they don’t have to pack up their belongings and say goodbye to things they love, such as pets, gardens and neighbourhood friends. That’s why most older Australians today opt for home care instead of moving into a nursing home: it occurs on their terms and doesn’t necessitate a top-to-bottom lifestyle change.
Live-in care with The CareSide is an affordable, trustworthy alternative to aged care facilities.
Our care team will work with you, your loved ones and the other health professionals assisting your family (such as GPs and doctors) to create a care plan and deliver holistic services that fit your unique situation.
Whether it’s a short-term arrangement or a full-time commitment, we recognise that our live-in care clients welcome us into their homes—and we do not take that privilege lightly.
Our professional caregivers always operate with respect and understanding, ensuring our live-in care clients receive the support they need without sacrificing their identities in the process.