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National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

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About the National Disability Insurance Scheme

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a system that provides support for disabled Australians. Unlike previous services, which were standardised and provided few individualised services, the NDIS provides consumer choice and control. Under this system, you can choose your own NDIS provider and create a person-centred plan for the support and resources you need. 

The NDIS was launched in 2013 and rolled out through 2020. By offering choice and individualisation, the system provides better support for people who need it.


The NDIS is overseen and implemented by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). The agency was created in 2013 for the purpose of rolling out the NDIS reform. Today, the NDIA is responsible for identifying what services can be funded, setting eligibility criteria, and determining eligibility for individuals who apply.

NDIS management

At the local level, however, the NDIS is coordinated by local partners. Two types of local partners coordinate and manage services for eligible Australians with disabilities.

For children who are disabled and are age 9 or younger, NDIS services are coordinated by an Early Childhood Early Intervention partner (ECEI). ECEI agencies hire coordinators who help children and their families access NDIS support and community resources.

For children aged 9 and above and for adults, NDIS support is coordinated by a Local Area Coordination partner (LAC). These agencies employ LAC coordinators who help older children, teens, and adults access NDIS services and community resources.

Funding Eligibility

NDIS is for Australians with disabilities who need support that they can’t receive through other government or community funding. There are several criteria you must meet to be eligible.

First, you must be an Australian citizen or permanent visa holder, and you must be under age 65. If you are older than 65, you may be able to qualify for ​Aged Care​ funding instead.

Second, you must have a “permanent and significant disability” that affects your daily life and requires outside support. Your disability can be physical, intellectual, sensory, cognitive, or psychosocial. For more detailed eligibility information, and to find out if you are eligible, explore the official NDIS eligibility checklist.

Once you’ve identified that you may be eligible, applying for NDIS support is simple. You can call the NDIA at ​1800 800 110 and make a verbal Access Request, or you can fill out and email the​​ Access Request Form ​to ​enquiries@ndis.gov.au​. ​You’ll also need to provide supporting documents proving your age, residency, and disability status.

If you need help applying, you can ​​find a local NDIA office or your closest Local Area Coordination partner ​​through the NDIS website. Click here to learn more about applying.

Learn more about applying to the NDIS

NDIS recipient with support worker

Eligible Support Services

NDIS funding can help pay for any necessary and reasonable support related to your disability through a registered NDIS provider. The only requirements are that the support must be related to your disability, that it can’t be part of the ordinary, everyday costs of living (like groceries), and that it can’t be eligible for funding from a different government service or community resource. It can’t be used to replace income except in special circumstances, and it can’t be used for any purposes that could cause harm or risk to you or others.

Your NDIS funding can pay for a variety of supports, ranging from simple services like house cleaning or meal preparation to one-time purchases such as wheelchairs or home modifications. When your eligibility is approved, you’ll work with your Local Area Coordinator to identify what types of support and NDIS registered services you need and to set your budget.

How Funding Works

Once you have determined that you’re eligible for NDIS Funding, you’ll need to make an access request. To receive funds, you’ll need to fill out and submit an access request form. If you need help filling it out or making a call for more information, your local NDIA office can provide assistance.

Your NDIS funding provides you choices and control. It’s person-centred, which means the focus is on your individual needs and growth. Unlike older systems, which were more standardised in the support you could receive, NDIS gives you a budget and offers you flexibility in how you spend your funding. The goal is both to provide ongoing support and to increase your capacity and your independence.

There are three areas of your NDIS budget: Core Support, Capacity Building, and Capital Support. Each area includes different categories, or support clusters. Each area has a slightly different purpose, but all of them combine to help you achieve your goals.

The Core Support Budget

Your NDIS Core Support budget is funding dedicated to meeting your core needs on an ongoing basis. It’s the most flexible part of your budget, and funding that’s set for one category can often be switched to a different category within Core Support as your needs change.

NDIS core supports

There are four categories in your Core Support budget:

  1. Consumables: This includes items related to your disability that you need to purchase regularly, such as continence aids.
  2. Daily Activities: This includes services and items that support your activities of daily living, such as a house cleaning service or meal preparation.
  3. Social, Economic & Community Participation: This includes support for your social activities that help you participate in your community, such as a support worker to accompany you on outings
  4. Transport: This category helps you with transportation if your disability means you can’t drive or use public transit. This category is the least flexible, and funds dedicated to it can’t be used in other categories.

The Capacity Building Budget

The Capacity Building budget is the second area of your NDIS budget. This part of your budget is less flexible than Core Support, and funding can’t be moved from one category to another. Your budget defines how much you can spend in each category.

NDIS capacity building

There are eight categories in your Capacity Building Budget. Support Coordination is included as part of the NDIS Capacity Building budget to help enhance your ability to assess your disability-related needs, develop a plan, manage your budget, and fully achieve your plan goals.

There are eight categories in your Capacity Building Budget. Support Coordination is included as part of the NDIS Capacity Building budget to help enhance your ability to assess your disability-related needs, develop a plan, manage your budget, and fully achieve your plan goals.

  1. Improved Life Choices: This category helps you manage your support and services.
  2. Improved Daily Living: This includes therapy, resources, and training that will help you become more independent.
  3. Finding and Keeping a Job: This includes assessments, counselling, and skill building to help you gain and keep employment.
  4. Improved Health and Wellness: This can include resources to offer advice on exercise, diet, and nutrition.
  5. Improved Living Arrangements: This support helps you find and stay in a home that’s appropriate for your disability.
  6. Improved Learning: This funding provides education and training after school, including university.
  7. Improved Relationships: This helps you build social skills and improve your relationships with family and your community.
  8. Increased Social and Community Participation: This offers training and skills that help you participate in social and community activities.

The Capital Support Budget 

There are just two categories of the Capital Support budget:

NDIS capital support budget
  1. Assistive Technology: This funding can pay for aids like a wheelchair, hearing aids, or assistive software.
  2. Home Modifications: This category is for changes to your home that are required for your disability, such as ramps and rails.
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