The CareSide Blog

Welcome to The CareSide Blog, where you’ll find informative articles, expert interviews, and other helpful resources focused on aged care.

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Senior Health Blogs

Senior Health
Games aren't just for kids—they can also help older adults stay sharp and maintain skills such as awareness, attention, reasoning and memory.
Senior Health
Planning for the end of life is a difficult process, but it's a critical step for families to cover. Here are some helpful resources.
Senior Health
What is an advance care plan and how do you create one? Learn why an ACP is so important—not only for you, but for your family, too.
We conducted a national survey to learn more about what worries Australians when it comes to getting older. Here are the results.
Mental Health
Anxiety is one of the most common psychiatric disorders in the older population, but fortunately, it's treatable if you know the signs, symptoms and proper strategies.
Mental Health
What are the signs and symptoms of depression in older adults—and how can you help? Learn more about strategies and resources.
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